Thursday, May 1, 2008

Goldilocks vs. The Three Bears

Today in Philadelphia’s City Hall, Goldilocks was acquitted on a technicality. That’s right, after Goldilocks' readily admitted to breaking into a stranger’s house, eating their porridge, taking a load off in their rocking chairs and finally catching a few zzz’s in one of their beds, a jury comprised of 23 kindergarten students found her not guilty because they didn’t see it as a break-in--- the door was open and she simply walked in to the bears’ home.

Let me back up and give you the details of this great program my son, Yannick, participated in this morning at City Hall. It’s hosted by the Philadelphia Bar Association’s Young Lawyers Division. Volunteer attorneys use the facts of this well known fairy-tale, Goldilocks and the Three Bears, as a basis for a criminal trial to introduce young students to trial process. After presenting their cases, it’s up to the kids to act as the jury and determine the fate of Goldilocks, and Yannick’s class found her NOT GUILTY!

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