Monday, December 31, 2007

Happy New Year!

I’m not big on New Year resolutions, but I recently came across this Lifestyle Map exercise at one of my favorite websites, Carrie & Danielle, and it seems a bit more intrinsic in assisting me in becoming the person I aspire to be.

Carrie & Danielle assist women in identifying their Style Statement. Your style statement captures the essence of your true self. My style statement is vivid ease and for those of you intimately familiar with mango mama, I think you’d agree that this suites me quite fine. Now, let’s be clear, I couldn’t afford Carrie & Danielle’s $500 consultation fee, but one of my best buds, is totally into what they do and with a bit of research, she’s collected their questions and with her incredible intellect and insight, she’s sort of appropriated their process, but that’s a whole other story.

Now, back to the Lifestyle Map exercise. Unlike New Year resolutions, the Lifestyle Map is a great tool for examining what’s working and not working in each area of your life, and in identifying what you want, they ask you to detail how meeting each goal will make you feel. It’s an interesting and challenging prospect, because oftentimes, it’s the sense of accomplishment, contentment, etc., we’re searching for in the first place. I also can’t believe, Carrie & Danielle are offering this process for free, so hop on over to their site, download your map and let the dreaming begin.

Happy New Year!


Anonymous said...

This is exactly what I need to help me begin the New Year on the right foot. Thanks for the info!

Mes Deux Cents said...

Mango Mama,

Happy New Year!!! Have a great 2008!