Thursday, August 13, 2009

So, What's She Really Saying

Did you guys have a chance to check out this woman at one of Arlen Specter’s town hall meetings earlier this week? Well, Lawrence O’Donnell was sitting in for Chris Matthews on Hardball yesterday and he spoke with her directly regarding her comments. I was struck by how despite agreeing to appear on Hardball, she really wasn’t prepared to explain or justify her remarks.

Let's be honest, a lot of the rancor and lack of civility displayed at these town hall meetings on healthcare is grounded in good, old (but always in fashion) racism. The sleeping giant this woman spoke of, is a population of white folks that don't appreciate calling a Black man--- Mr. President.

I welcome the opportunity to hear directly from critics of the proposed plan(s), if it stays on point about the issues at hand. Name-calling, spray-painting swastikas, physical confrontations are simply counterproductive.


Respect Black said...

I was struck by how despite agreeing to appear on Hardball, she really wasn’t prepared to explain or justify her remarks.

Let's be honest, a lot of the rancor and lack of civility displayed at these town hall meetings on healthcare is grounded in good, old (but always in fashion) racism. The sleeping giant this woman spoke of, is a population of white folks that don't appreciate calling a Black man--- Mr. President.

I welcome the opportunity to hear directly from critics of the proposed plan(s), if it stays on point about the issues at hand. Name-calling, spray-painting swastikas, physical confrontations are simply counterproductive.

I is ridiculous that this "uprising" isn't being called out for what it is!

Anonymous said...

How is this about race? In any way shape or form. Healthcare is not a right that is guaranteed in the constitution. She's right, there has been a lot of questionable legislation pushed through congress that has spent billions of our tax dollars. I don't dislike President Obama, but I didn't vote for him because I felt he lacked experience. Not because of the color of his skin. His inexperience is now showing in

That woman was thrown some hard questions in terms of revealing personal information she did not want broadcast on national television. Would you want the whole world to know how much money your family made every year? I think not.

@Butterfly So basically your calling us 'uppity white folks' for using our constituional right to disagree with our governements proposed policies? The town meetings would not have been planned if they did not want citizen input. What would you call this 'uprising' then? I'm so sick of people saying that you're racist if you don't agree with the President.

Try not to be surprised when the 'uprising' turns into an all out Revolution.

FYI - Even though I did not vote for him I respect him and his office. The day he was elected was an historic one for our nation.

Mango Mama said...

Anonymous, My issue with this woman is her complete inability to substantiate her comments to Sen. Specter when given the opportunity on Hardball. I don't need to know how much she makes, but I do want to know exactly what Constitutional rights she believes are being eroded? What constitutional rights does she want Specter to defend when he returns to Washington? I'm not ready to label this woman a racist, but I do think she's using coded language (as well as totally vacuous), as is a lot of what we're seeing at these town hall meetings. Time and again, our senators, congressmen/woman and even the President are forced to address total nonsense, i.e, death panels, because the extreme right is floating misinformation in an attempt to derail healthcare reform.

I'm not sure President Obama's inexperience is showing, I think the magnitude of the absolute mess he was left to deal with is finally being seen for what it is. The man has a lot on his plate and I think he's doing an admirable job in addressing these issues.

I'm happy to hear you respect the President, but when you hear disparaging remarks about him, his wife and children, do you take the time to chide the offender? Believe me, a lot of this rancor is rooted in folks feeling threatened by new leadership in this country.

Thanks so much for visiting and posting your comment, I think the only way we'll move past racism is if folks engage in this sort of dialogue.